Home International London GCH – Report and Photos from Coffee Morning 17th April Compassion...

London GCH – Report and Photos from Coffee Morning 17th April Compassion in Action


Brahmakumaris London Global Cooperation House 60 women from many cultures and faiths came together to share in a coffee morning
with the Religions for Peace UK Women of Faith Network and the Brahma Kumaris Women and Spirituality Group at the Brahma Kumaris National Centre in North London. The theme of the morning was Compassion in Action and diverse organisations were present enjoying each other’s company, catching up with old friends, making new ones and hearing about the social community activities, not just locally, but globally.

Brahmakumaris London Global Cooperation HouseIn small groups, two questions were discussed: Do I have enough resources of love and compassion to share, even when I feel I cannot take care of my own needs? How willing am I to put compassion into action?
There were interesting returns from this interaction:
 What you give to all, including yourself, is WHAT YOU GET.
 Natural compassion is within all of us more than we know!
 Compassion is the CARE of my being!

 Belief in myself comes with gratitude and faith.
 First have love for myself, then I am willing to share that love fully with others when I am non-judgemental.

Maureen Goodman, Programme Director of the Brahma Kumaris closed the event finalised by leading everyone into a beautiful reflection on the morning.

Brahmakumaris London Global Cooperation House